Best Home Remedies For Acne

1.Make paste with tulsi leaf and turmeric and apply it on face,wait for one hour and wash it with fresh water.
2.Making facepack with camphor and sandal and apply on face.
3.Mix turmeric and milk and make a paste,apply it on face.
4.Make paste with coconut milk and saffron.Apply this facepack on face after washing .
5.Boil water with neem leafs and wait until it cools and use this water to wash face or rince the water on face,continue it for one week and can be completely remove acne and acne scars.
6.Mix tomato and lemon juice and apply it on face after one hour wash face with fresh water.
7.Mix orange juice and honey and apply it on face.after half an hour clean face.
8.Use coconut water to wash face and drinking coconut water helps to decrease acne.
9.Mix orange juice and honey and apply it on face,after half an hour wash it away.
10.Mix red sandal powder and honey,apply it on face for half an hour after wash it away
You can choose any methods for acne and you should continue it for one week too get best results.

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