Quick Kitchen Medicines |
According to ayurveda Some of spices and ingredients using in kitchen are good medicines.These can be used as first aid and no harmful and side effects.Now we can see some kitchen medicines and methods to use them for various diseases.
Cooking Salt
1.For vomiting, mix equal amount of salt and sugar and boil it with fresh water and drink.This is a good remedy for vomiting.2.For accumulation of fluid in the body wash the area with salt water.
2.Salt is used as an antiseptic medicine.For small injuries firstly clean it with light salt water.
1.For cough,take a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix in one glass of milk.Drinking of this can be a good medicine for cough.2.Turmeric is a good medicine for cleansing blood.
3.Can be use turmeric for injury and for burning.
1.Eating ginger with salt is helps to stops vomiting.2.Ginger can be used for gas trouble.
3.Ginger can be cure stomach paining.
1.Controlling cholestrol.2.Fenugreek is good for diabetic patients.
3.Boil water with a spoon of fenugreek.Drinking of this water can be helps to controlling diabetics.
4.Make oil with fenugreek and it it helpful for hair growth and preventing hair falling.
1.For paining in tooth, apply essence of pepper on the paining area.It helps to stopping pain.2.Boil water with pepper and basil it helps to cold,cough and headache.
3..Best ayurvedic medicine for cold.
1.Increases freshness of eyes.2.Helps to increase eyesight.
3.It is good for making coffe with red onion for cough and cold.
4.Boil coconut oil with onion.This oil helps to hair growth.
5.Helps to preventing hair falling.
Curry Leaf
1.Helps for hair growth and improving eyesight.2.It prevents white hairs and promoting black hair.
1.Coriander is good for health and stomach problems.2.It helps to gaining weight.
1.Cumin is best medicine for digestion problems.2.For throat problems,boil cumin powder in water and eat it with one teaspoon of honey.
3.It helps to get rid off from cold.
1.For tooth paining use a piece of garlic on the paining area.2.Controlling cholestrol.
3.Helps to controlling blood pressure.
4.It helps for easily breathing for astma patients.
5.Garlic giving strength to digestion organs.
6.For getting good sleep,Drink a glass of milk with garlic before bed time.It also helps for digestion.
1.Having tea with cardamom helps to get rid off from headache.2.For throat problem,boil some water with cardamom rinse it on mouth.
3.It is good for stomach problems.
1.Drinking water that boiled with bay are helps to become healthy.2.Controlling sugar content on the body.
3.Helps to prevent uterus problems.
1.The oil from cloves is helpful for tooth paining.2.It prevents skin problems.
3.Helps to stop gas trouble.
These are spices and ingredients we using daily on our kitchen.It also helps to cure from various diseases.Can be used as first aid also.
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