Bike Riding And Health Problems
Bike Riding And Health Problems

Two wheelers are most common vehicles.It simplifying our transportation efforts and costs.It is a commercial vehicle and can be use all agers.Most of 72% families have any one of the two wheelers.The techniques are according to a balance for riding.There are lots of two wheeler models are available in markets, variety of its power,comfort and costs.
But the daily riding of the two wheelers are causes lots of health problems.The most of are causes due to the lack of exercise.In out past days there are no transportation systems are available such this. During that periods man transport using their legs by walking.The walking is a good exercise and it reduces lots of health problems.During walking the cholestrol level reduces,blood pressure reduces,sugar content and walking is helps to reduce anxiety,tension,stress and also for fitness.
Today all of are busy,busy and busy.They don’t have time to walk,run or for exercise.So they use commonly two wheelers.The daily and over use of these vehicles are causes lots of health problems.We can discuss here some of the health problems due to bike riding.

1.Back Pain

Due to the sitting position on the bike cause back pain.Also the condition of the road like highways and off roads.In case of off road riding the shocks are directly affecting in our back bone and it causes back pain.And in long trips on highways, the continues sitting position and vibration of the vehicle causes back pain also.

2.Stress On Eyes

The continues riding causes stress on the eyes.due to the presence of eyes and lack of closing the eyes, also cause their problems due to the dust and wind.The wind directly hitting in our eyes and it drying the water content in our eyes also the dust particles are making scratches on eyes.

3.Blood Circulation

The bike riding prevents blood circulation on our body,especially to the legs and wastes.The more uses are causes becomes inactive the blood veins.


There are lots of pollution causes on the roads such as sound pollutions,air pollutions,dust,smoke and lots of such things.Breathing of these gases are very dangerous to our health.The fumes are exhausted by other vehicles are contains carbon monoxide and lots of chemicals.Breathing these are causes lungs problems and it will diffuse to our blood and it become contaminated.
The sound pollution affect our concentration, it decrease our concentration and distract our mind, these things leads to accidents.
The dust particles on roads contains lots of chemical substances,these will cause large skin problems ,eye problems and lots of more.These particles will reaching in our lungs and leads to diseases.
Some Tips For Bike Riders
  • Use all of riding gears on the go such as helmets,shoes,gloves etc.
  • During long rides, take an intervell in every one hour.
  • Wash your face and rinse water in the eyes in intervels.
  • Ride safely and don’t go over speed.
  • Sit on the seat comfort.
  • Use cooling glass while riding and masks.
  • Do exercise such as walking,running etc.
These are some of the basic health problems of bike riding .Ride safe and keep precautions.

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