5 Things You Should Be Avoid Before Meditation

5 Things You Should Be Avoid Before Meditation
Meditation is a practice and a peaceful achievement of concentration.To get the full benefits of meditation we should consider so many things.The main factors are the conditions of our body and mind.The are lots of distractions will affect from surroundings, to overcome these distractions we should have power and our mind and body become steady.
The other problems during meditation, most of are saying they can’t stay in concentrated position and somebody cant feeling the mindfulness.Lots of people doing meditation for releasing stress and some are fails in it.
To achieve the benefits of meditation we should consider many things and some of our habits should be avoided.Here i am describing some of your habits that you should be avoided before meditation.

1.Watching Television

The television is called idiot box by great yoga masters, the television will greatly affect our mind and distract it.One of the major cause of night mares are due to televisions.When watching television the pictures and stories will record in our mind and it will repeat itself.The television serials are really worst things, it will also makes tension and anxiety.
So students will not study after watching televisions it will ruin your effort and you cannot get anything from it.In case of meditation, the pictures on your mind will distract the concentration levels.Don’t meditate after watching television.

2.Eating habit

The eating habit should be stop before meditation.After eating food our body starts digestion process and and our body will be concentrate on it.When these times the chakra will be closed and it prevent energy flow.If we start meditation after  having food, we cannot get concentration.
The best for meditation is on empty stomach.And also considered that don’t eat fast foods, spicy and these type of foods should be avoided.

3.Playing And Hard exercises

Playing games such as cricket,food balls and other also computer gaming.These will distract our mind and our body will be weak after playing these games.Also hard exercises should be avoided,these are cause our body become weak and tired.The warm up is helpful for meditation.

4.Dirty Surroundings

Keep your surroundings clean and choose a place for meditation.The benefits of choosing an eat place for meditating is a positive energy will be develops on the surroundings through daily meditation.
The dirty surrounding will distracts and the dust particles will produce negative energy that will affect you.And also in dirty places there should lots of insects and it will attack you.So keep your surroundings clean.

5.Some other habits that you should avoid

  • Don’t use make up materials and other chemicals.
  • Don’t suddenly start meditation after your exercises.Relax for some time and after start your meditation practice.
  • Don’t use mobile phones, computers.If you can please avoid these from your meditating place,the electromagnetic radiation will prevent energy flow.
  • Avoid dirty dress.Choose meditation suits.
For beginners you should be follow these tips.When you becomes a master in meditation you can do it in every where and in any conditions.So for achieving the full benefits of meditations you should be avoid these things before meditation.And also you should choose your comfort meditation methods.

Read Also   : Simple And Most Powerful Meditation Techniques

Upcoming posts:meditation retreat,yoga meditation,Mindfulness Meditation

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